Eveline Osborne RIP Failing healthnecessitated Eveline moving to a care home inthe last couple of months. There she suffereda fall requiring surgery, and in hospital she sadlycontracted Covid. Although she has not been able toattend church regularly in the last couple of years, shereceived Holy Communion at home, and until herhospitalisation, the weekly news. Our condolences go toMary and Jane her daughters and their families. A lovelylady, she will be missed. May she rest in peace.Neil Trood RIP His funeral will take place onTuesday 23rd February, and can be attended byhis family only, due to Covid restrictions. TheRequiem will be streamed live at 11.00 through thechurch’s FB page.Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday and therewill be an open Sung Mass at7.30pm. Arrangements are in hand for theashing which has to be different because of Covid. If youhaven't please return your palm crosses today, or elsepush them through the letter box on the choir link.Stations of the Cross This traditional Lentobservance has to be in an untraditional waybecause of Covid. If held in church (whichwould be closed) people would not be allowed to processfrom station to station. Because of this, Stations will bevia Zoom on Fridays at 6.00pm, so that there can be asense of us being together as pilgrims on the way of thecross. The joining details (for every week) are:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88984787439?pwd=RFBjYm5UVnJ6YlNXVXJBMWV4RmtZZz09Lent Group Again, this will have to be Zoom;details have been circulated in the weeklyupdate.Lockdown Helpline If you’re finding lockdowntough, then Premier Life Line is the NationalChristian helpline. It is open 9 am to midnighton 0300 111 0101 and offers a listening ear,someone to talk to plus emotional and spiritual support.You may find it helpful while we are all in Lockdown.Keep safe.Jigsaw Puzzles Please feel to borrow anyjigsaws from the back of church. If you can havesome you could donate to the 'library', that'd bevery helpful. Jigsaws may be donated or returned to thepew against the back wall.If you’d like to include anything in next weeks’Notice Sheet, please email Rosie atrosalyn.clarke@outlook.com
Lockdown Please remember to take theutmost care of yourselves and others whenattending worship in person. All 10amweekday services will continue to bestreamed.Parish Office During lockdown the office willnot be staffed, but calls and emails will bepicked up. For a quicker response, pleasecontact Fr Julian directly (01823337890/ frjulianssc@gmail.com).Ash Wednesday There will be a public mass on17 Feb to mark the beginning of Lent at 7.30pm.Please, if you can, return your last year’s palmcrosses to the church before then. Thank you.Outlook February's parish magazine isavailable online under the parish's website. Ifyou cannot access it, please let Fr Julian knowand he will arrange for you to have a hard copy.Five loaves, two fish - and a bag ofspuds Akulah Agbami is involved in thepreparation of up to 300 food parcels forvulnerable children in the half term holidays. Thank youfor the very significant donations already made. Today isthe last chance to donate; please let Fr Julian have any cash to pass on.Thank you Geraint Jones for playing again thisweek, whilst Stephen Price, our new organist,completes his move from Herefordshire.Neil Trood RIP Neil’s coffin will received intoHoly Trinity on Monday 22 February inreadiness for his funeral the following day at11.00am. Because of restrictions, attendance will be forfamily only, but the service will be streamed.Lockdown Helpline If you’re finding lockdowntough, then Premier Life Line is the NationalChristian helpline. It is open 9 am to midnighton 0300 111 0101 and offers a listening ear, someone totalk to plus emotional and spiritual support. You may findit helpful while we are all in Lockdown. Keep safe.Jigsaw Puzzles Please feel to borrow anyjigsaws from the back of church. If you canhave some you could donate to the 'library',that'd be very helpful. Jigsaws may be donated orreturned to the pew against the back wall.
Lockdown Please remember to take theutmost care of yourselves and others whenattending worship in person. All 10amweekday services will continue to bestreamed.Parish Office During lockdown the office willnot be staffed, but calls and emails will bepicked up. For a quicker response, pleasecontact Fr Julian directly (01823337890/ frjulianssc@gmail.com).Candlemas There will be the usual 10am mass,and also a Sung Mass this Tuesday (2nd) at7.30pm to celebrate Candlemas.Ash Wednesday There will be a public mass on17 Feb to mark the beginning of Lent at 7.30pm.Please, if you can, return your last year’s palmcrosses to the church before then. Thank you.Outlook February's parish magazine isavailable online under the parish's website. Ifyou cannot access it, please let Fr Julian knowand he will arrange for you to have a hardcopy.Five loaves, two fish - and a bag ofspuds Akulah Agbami is involved in thepreparation of up to 300 food parcels forvulnerable children in the half term holidays. She wouldbe very grateful for any donations of potatoes, rice orpasta which may be left in the choir link at the end of thechurch car park. £6.50 will buy a 20kg sack of spuds -much better value! Any cheques can be made eitherto ‘The Women's Community Forum’ or ‘Catalys-abilityC.I.C.’ and left in the letterbox. For security reasons, ifyou would like to make a cash donation, please bring itto church on Saturday at 6pm or Sunday at 10am. Alldonations to be received by 8 February. Thank you.Thank you Geraint Jones for playing again thisweek, whilst Stephen Price, our new organist,completes his move from Herefordshire.Neil Trood RIP A former churchwarden, Neildied peacefully in Yeovil District hospitalafter a short illness. Funeral details have yet to befinalised. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.Lockdown If you’re finding lockdown tough,then Premier Life Line is the National Christianhelpline. It is open 9 am to midnight on 0300111 0101 and offers a listening ear, someone to talk toplus emotional and spiritual support. You may find ithelpful while we are all in Lockdown. Keep safe
Lockdown Please remember to take theutmost care of yourselves and others whenattending worship in person. All 10amweekday services will continue to bestreamed.Parish Office During lockdown the office willnot be staffed, but calls and emails will bepicked up. For a quicker response, pleasecontact Fr Julian directly (01823337890/ frjulianssc@gmail.com).Sharing Together Our monthly discussiongroup will be held via Zoom this Thursday(28th) at 2.00pm. we’ll be looking at the fivedays’ thoughts on prayer recently hosted by thediocese, especially the prayer sheets. These areavailable on the church’s website under the ‘News’tab. The Zoom joining details are:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88950593333?pwd=ekRHQ21OSUFuZjNjcUlOWG4vbGowdz09Meeting ID: 889 5059 3333 Passcode: 051127If you can’t print a copy of the sheets, please let Fr Julianknow and he’ll get them to you!If you’d like to include anything in next weeks’Notice Sheet, please email Rosie atrosalyn.clarke@outlook.com