News from the church 19/02/23

Lent Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news


 Fr Julian will not be available from Monday-Friday, as he’s taking his post-Christmas break. Jane retired last Friday, so… 

Ash Wednesday is this week. Please make every effort to attend the Sung Mass at 7.30pm, mar4king the start of this holy season. Fr Mark Smith will be the celebrant. 

Stations of the Cross will be on Friday at 6.00pm, and from next week Compline will be held in the Vestry on Tuesdays at 8pm, and the Lent Group meets on Thursdays at 7.30pm. 

Outlook March’s parish magazine may be a few days later than usual, but it will be worth the wait…! It’ll be available as soon as possible; hard copies available at the back of church next Sunday. 

Stamps for RNIB. Please don’t forget to recycle the stamps from your post into the box at the back of the church. Thank you. 

Help Needed! We are most grateful to Pat Deal for washing all the cloths used at services. After 50 years, she’s giving up this task. Please would someone take it on? Pat or Jenni can give further details, or else see Outlook. 

John Wishart, RIP His requiem mass will be at the Good Shepherd on Friday 3rd March at 11.00, with cremation at Taunton Deane at 1.30pm. There will be a requiem here for him at 9.30am that day (no 12.30 and soup lunch). 

Nancy Hawkins’ funeral will be on Tuesday 28th February at 2.30pm at the Crematorium.

 Jam Jars Alys Williams would be very grateful for clean jam jars (12oz/1 lb) as it’s Seville orange season, and she will kindly be making marmalade for church funds. 

Walsingham Pilgrimage Holy Trinity’s annual pilgrimage to Walsingham will be from 26-30 June. Please see or contact Jane Laurence if you’d like to reserve a place (going fast!) or find out further details. It will be led by Fr Julian. 

Palm Crosses Please return your palm crosses to the back of church today, so they may be prepared for use on Ash Wednesday.