News from the Church wc 05/02/23

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NOTICESStamps for RNIB. Please don’t forgetto recycle the stamps from your postinto the box at the back of the church.Thank youThe family of Michael Hemsley wouldlike to thank all those who sentcondolences, attended his funeraland contributed to his requiem mass. We greatlyappreciate your kind words at such a difficult timeknowing that Holy Trinity was an important part of hisspiritual life. We are particularly grateful to Fr Julian, thechoir, readers and sidespeople for making the service sopersonal and reflective.Outlook February’s copy of the ParishMagazine is still available online; somehard copies are available at the back ofchurch.Happy Birthday to George Coles, whohad a significant birthday last week…Cake and drinks will be available tohelp him celebrate after the Parish Mass today.Help Needed! We are most gratefulto Pat Deal for washing all the clothsused at services. After 50 years, she’sgiving up this task. Please would someone take it on? Pator Jenni can give further details, or else see Outlook.We were saddened to hear of thedeath of Nancy Hawkins (SheilaRidgeway’s sister), who diedpeacefully at Lavender Court lastSunday. Also of Kelvin Murray, our former verger whodied on Wednesday. Funeral details will be advised later.May they rest in peace and rise in glory.Jam Jars Alys Williams would be very gratefulfor clean jam jars (12oz/1 lb) as it’s Sevilleorange season, and she will kindly be makingmarmalade for church funds.Walsingham Pilgrimage Holy Trinity’sannual pilgrimage to Walsingham will befrom 26-30 June. Please see or contactJane Laurence if you’d like to reserve aplace (going fast!) or find out furtherdetails. It will be led by Fr Julian.Palm Crosses Please return your palmcrosses to the back of church, so they may beprepared for use on Ash Wednesday, on 22February (and book the date – Sung Mass at7.30pm!).Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet tobe received at the Parish Office (on paper, email orphone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.