News from the Church w.c. 22/01/23

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news
NOTICESStamps for RNIB. Please don’t forget torecycle the stamps from your post intothe box at the back of the church. ThankyouEvening Prayer and Benediction There willbe no services at 4pm today HT, as Fr Julianwill be preaching at the Cathedral Evensongat 3.00pm. You are welcome to join him!Week of prayer for Christian Unity TheWCPU concludes this Wednesday on theFeast of the Conversion of St Paul.Discussion Group ‘Sharing Together’will meet at the Vicarage this comingThursday at 7.30pm, looking this month atJesus’ miracles.Next Sunday There will be NO ParishMass here at HT, as we have beeninvited to the Good Shepherd,Furnham. It is too late to book lunchnow, but you may still come to the service, which is at9.45. If going ‘over the hill’, then the church is at thebottom of the high St, on the further corner at the lights.Turn left at the lights then immediate right. Coming viathe main road, then as you approach the same lights thenturn left before the church.AV System Engineers spent all Wednesdaylast week in refining the system so thatboth the sound and streaming systems arenow functioning properly. Phew!Common Fund With much scabblingdown the back of the sofa, HT hasbeen able to pay its full share of itsParish Share of the Common Fund tothe Diocese – an incredible achievement at a time whenwe are all facing massive fuel cost increases as well asother expenses. This is despite the fact the we have nothad any stewardship renewal for three years, due to allthe financial pressure we are all under at home.Everyday Faith Please see theposter about this year's 'EverydayFaith' series which can be joinedonline. This runs from 29 Jan - 4Feb; details can be had through thediocese ( else by using the QR code on the poster.Bishop of Oswestry Our new bishop(new See, new person) is to beconsecrated on 2nd Feb atCanterbury Cathedral. Please prayfor Fr Paul Thomas. There is a weekof prayer from 25 Jan - 2 Feb; there are some copies ofthe novena are at the back of church.Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet tobe received at the Parish Office (on paper, email orphone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.