News - w.c. 01.03.20

Church_news From_the_Vicar Lent Community_news News_about_our_building Notices

Outlook Copies of this month’s parish magazine are available for collection/ delivery today – don’t forget yours.

Lent Programme Details of this year’s Lent Programme at Holy Trinity have been printed on a card for you all to take home and consider. Please do NOT return them at the end of the service; they are to be taken home both for information and for your prayers.

Thank you all who provided such a wonderful time at Tuesday’s Pancake Party. All your hard work was much appreciated; it was a lovely occasion.

Finance and Fundraising We are very much in need of additional funds to help continue the life and ministry of Holy Trinity. There will a short meeting this Wednesday (4th) at 2.00pm at the Vicarage for anyone who would like to help. Please do come along.

Fairtrade Fortnight This year’s campaign continues the fight for a living wage for cocoa farmers in West Africa, who on average only have 74p a day to live on. With your help buying Fairtrade products, this can change. Thank you for supporting the Fairtrade stall last Sunday; the next will be on Sunday 8th March.

Zambia Floods Our thoughts and prayers go out to those in this country that have suffered great losses through flooding recently. However, in our link Diocese of Zambia, floods there have caused immense damage to life and property. Our diocese has set itself the challenge of raising £17,500 to help relieve the suffering of our brothers and sisters there. If you can make a donation, that would be much appreciated. If you wish to Gift Aid your donation, please use the white envelopes on every pew, and when completing the details, mark them clearly as ‘Zambia’. Thank you.

Mission Work There will be a meeting this week regarding ways in which we can develop our outreach and encourage growth. This will be in the Church Hall, Friday 6 March, 2.00pm. The PCC are considering a long-term mission strategy based on ‘Leading Your Church into Growth’. This is a national resource, and members of Holy Trinity attended a residential conference last October. The first stage is to see how LYCIG may work in our parish, and how we might adopt it. So again, if you are concerned about growing the parish, please do come along.

Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, by email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.