news w.c. 15/01/22

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news christmas
NOTICESGood Shepherd Today is your lastchance to sign up for the mealfollowing our joint mass with ourfriends at the Good Shepherd on the29th (9.45am). It is at the WindwhistleInn, about 5 minutes up the road. A ‘large’ plate is £13.50and a ‘small’ one is £7. As it is a carvery (self-service) youcan help yourself to veg, but inside sources say that apartfrom a little less meat, the small plates are quite bigenough! Puddings are £4.Outlook Copy for February’s issue toGeorge Coles by this Wednesday (18th)please.Stamps for RNIB. Please don’t forget torecycle the stamps from your post intothe box at the back of the church. ThankyouEvening Prayer and Benediction Therewill be no services here at 4pm nextSunday, as Fr Julian has to preach at theCathedral at 3.00pm. All are welcome tojoin him – there are two seats availablein his car!PCC Meeting The PCC will meet thisWednesday (18th) in the hall, followingmass in church at 7.00pm. Agendashave been circulated.Week of prayer for Christian Unitybegins on Wednesday and ends on the25th , the feast of the Conversion of StPaul. Mass on the 18th will be forChristian Unity.Sharing Together The monthly discussiongroup will meet at the Vicarage onThursday 26 Jan at 7.30pm.