News from the Church w.c. 08/01/23

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news christmas

NOTICES Good Shepherd Fr Julian is at Furnham this morning, and once again we welcome Fr Mark Jackson. Please sign the list at the back of church if you’re able to come to the Good Shepherd on Sunday 29 January, with options to stay for a pub lunch! There will be no 10am at HT that day. Details are also now available lunch itself. 

Pantomime Those who have booked, please don’t forget the parish outing to the Pantomime which is this Wednesday. Oh, yes it is…! Thank you, Wendy for organizing it. 

Outlook The parish magazine is still available online, with a few hard copies at the back of church for those unable to access the parish magazine electronically. Copy for February’s issue to George Coles by Wednesday week, 18th, please. 

Warm Spaces Due to the lack of take?up (as with many other town churches) we will no longer be offering a warm space on Friday afternoons. Many thanks to the faithful few who have been on hand to welcome any guests. 

Stamps for RNIB. Please don’t forget to recycle the stamps from your post into the box at the back of the church. Thank you.

Readers’ Rota The new rota for those reading at Mass is now available for collection at the back of the church, if you haven’t already taken yours. If you’d like to be included on the next rota, please see Fr Julian or George Coles. Thank you. 

Lend With Care: Thanks to all the loan repayments received over the last few months we have now been able to support two new loan recipients; Marco a farmer from Peru and Rosa a farmer from Ecuador. Since Holy Trinity started supporting LWC we have provided 18 loans totalling £330, which has helped 118 entrepreneurs and created 112 jobs. This has helped 448 family members bringing the total to 673 people helped which is brilliant. Thank you for your support. 

Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on pap