News from the Church w.c. 23.02.20

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building Notices


Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday. Please make every effort to come to the Sung Mass with Imposition of Ashes at 7.30pm.

Stations of the Cross The traditional Friday devotional service (lasting half an hour) will begin on 28 Feb, but this year it will be at 4.00pm, in the church as usual.

Finance and Fundraising There will be a meeting at the Vicarage on Wednesday 4 March at 2.00pm for anyone who is interested in helping the church to raise and manage its funds.

Fr MIchael Currah RIP Fr Michael’s funeral arrangements have now been made. His funeral will take place at St Christopher’s Church, Ditteridge, Box, on Friday 28 February at 1pm. The Friday mass here that day (12.30pm) will be a requiem for him, and after soup lunch (2pm) a retrospective of his life as a clock engineer will be shown in the church hall, to which all are welcome. Fairtrade Fortnight will run from Monday 24 February to Sunday 8 March 2020. There will be a Tradecraft stall today in the hall after the service.

Shrove Tuesday There’s a pancake party in the Church Hall on Tuesday 25 February at 7.00pm – all are very welcome. Tickets are available at only £5 for a cooked meal and drinks; available after services. Don’t miss out!

Walsingham Pilgrimage The annual parish pilgrimage will take place this year 22-26 June. Please let Jane Laurence know if you’d like to come; deposits need to be returned to the Shrine by the beginning of March. If you’d like to know and perhaps have never been, please see Fr Julian or Jane.

Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, by email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.