News from the Church w.c. 11/12/2022

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news Advent christmas


Tree of Remembrance If there is a loved one whose absence you will especially feel this Christmas, please write them name on a tag and hang it in the small Christmas tree at the back of church. 

Weekday Services Please don’t forget all weekday services will be held in the vestry. 

Warm Spaces Holy Trinity is offering its hall as a ‘warm space’ on Fridays between 1pm and 5pm. If you can be present to welcome any guests, and perhaps provide hot drinks, please sign the list at the back of church. Thank you. 

Bell Ringing Now the bells and access to the ringing chamber are fully functional, practice will resume on Wednesday evenings. If you know of anyone who might like to be involved, or else are considering a new hobby for yourself, please just turn up at 7.30pm. 

Compline this week only will be on Thursday not Tuesday at 8.00pm. 

Outlook Any copy for the Christmas/ January issue to be received by George Coles, by this Wednesday (14th), please. G

Good Shepherd We welcome Fr Mark Jackson as the celebrant at the Parish Mass this morning. Fr Julian is at the Good Shepherd for their Parish Mass. 

Stamps for RNIB. Please don’t forget to recycle the stamps from your post into the box at the back of the church. 

Thank you Christmas Decorations Would you like to make a table decoration for Christmas? There is an opportunity for you to do so this Thursday(15th ) 2pm – 4pm in the Church Hall. Container, oasis, candle and greenery will be provided. Cost: £3 to include tea/coffee and mince pie. Please could those who are attending the workshop, pass their £3.00 to Wendy and don't forget to bring your own scissors on the day. Please see Wendy Burge to book your place – only 3 spaces left! 

Carol Service 

Please make every effort to come to the Carol Service next Sunday (18th) at 6.30pm, when we will be joined by the choir and members of the Good Shepherd. Mulled wine and mince pies will be served afterwards; please sign the list if you can provide some mince pies; we will need about 5/6 dozen. Thank you.