News - w.c. 20/11/2022

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news


Weekday Services will be held in the Vestry from now on to help keep us warm. Also Sunday Evening Prayer and Benediction will be at 4.00pm from today because of the dark evenings.

Advent/Christmas Please return any raffle ticket monies/ stubs to Liz H today and display posters (available at the back of church). Cakes will be appreciated for the cake stall please.

Warm Spaces Holy Trinity is offering its hall as a ‘warm space’ on Fridays between 1pm and 5pm. If you can be present to welcome any guests, and perhaps provide hot drinks, please sign the list at the back of church. Thank you.

Bell Ringing Now the bells and access to the ringing chamber are fully functional, practice will resume on Wednesday evenings. If you know of anyone who might like to be involved, or else are considering a new hobby for yourself, please just turn up at 7.30pm

Sharing Together Our monthly discussion group meets this Thursday (24th) at 7.30pm at the Vicarage. The topic will be ‘The Miracles of Jesus’.

Clergy Quiet Day Fr Julian will not be available this Tuesday (22nd) as he will be attending a Quiet Day for the clergy of the Taunton Archdeaconry. There will be no mass at 10.00am that day.

Flowers Flowers this week have kindly been donated by Ann Eyles in memory of Jill Lowes. May she rest in peace.

Thank you Thanks to Izzy Bailey who has cleaned the church hall for several years. Due to College and work commitments she has given this up and Liz H will take on the role.