News for w.c. 16.02.20

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Church_news From_the_Vicar Lent Community_news News_about_our_building Notices

Ash Wednesday is on Wednesday week, and marks the beginning of the important season of Lent. Please do all you can to get to the service at 7.30pm that day, and begin to think about your own Lenten discipline. Details of additional services and this year’s discussion group are available. The ashes are made from the palm crosses from the previous year. Please return your cross as soon as you can please (there’s a basket at the back of church). Thank you.

Fr MIchael Currah RIP Fr Michael sadly died peacefully in the hospice at Edgbaston in Birmingham, where he had been for a fortnight. He was 88. He had been at Holy Trinity from 1988 – 2006, where he and his late wife Mary, were appointed to lead the music and as organist. After his retirement from these posts, he continued to assist as a priest and also played every Sunday evening for Evensong. As a talented horologist, he cared for many clocks in the parish, and restored the clock and chimes here at Holy Trinity, including rewiring the tower and installing a much safer staircase to the ringing chamber from the first level. A requiem will be celebrated here for his repose once his funeral arrangements have been confirmed. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. Outlook George Coles would be very grateful for any copy for the Parish Magazine. It is always much better and nicer if there’s ‘local’ contribution. If you have anything to say, or an experience to share, please let George have it by Wednesday this week, please.

Fairtrade Fortnight will run from Monday 24 February to Sunday 8 March 2020. There will be a Tradecraft stall on Sunday 23 February in the hall after the service.

Shrove Tuesday There’s a pancake party in the Church Hall on Tuesday 25 February at 7.00pm – all are very welcome. Tickets are available at only £5 for a cooked meal and drinks; available after services. Don’t miss out!

Walsingham Pilgrimage The annual parish pilgrimage will take place this year 22-26 June. Please reserve your place as soon as possible; numbers are limited. A deposit of £30 (cheques to Holy Trinity PCC) is required. Please see Jane Laurence for further details. Thank you.