News from the Church w.c. 23/10/22

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news


Sound/Streaming System. Hopefully… The sound system worked well last Sunday, and following a visit from the engineers during the past week, hopefully, the streaming side of things will now be fully functioning!

Traidcraft Cards Cards are available in the Hall after the Parish Mass today, if you haven’t already purchased yours..

All Saints’ Sunday This will be an extra-special event as next Sunday we shall be joined by members of the Good Shepherd. As part of the two parishes’ working more closely together, they asked if they might join us, cancelling their own services that day. This is a lovely and generous gesture and we look forward to welcoming them.

Sharing together This month’s discussion group will meet at the Vicarage on Thursday 27th at 7.30, when the topic will be the ‘Parables of Jesus’. Look some up, and come along!.

Advent/Christmas Fair Thank you everyone who donated gifts for the hampers to be raffled. Draw tickets are available from Liz Hathway if you are able to buy some, and just as importantly, to sell some.

Gift Day Thank you so much all those who so kindly and generously supported Gift Day at the beginning of October. The total so far (including Gift Aid) is a wonderful £2430.

Pre loved Toy sale Friday 4 November 3 - 4pm & Saturday 5th November 2. - 4pm.Help needed please to get toys out of the crypt on Friday morning to clean, make sure they work and are saleable. Also help needed at the sales and distributing flyers a couple of days before. More information from Wendy, Sylvia or Liz.

End of British Summer Time A reminder that the clocks go BACK an hour next Sunday morning, so please do not arrive an hour too soon for the services.

Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please