News w.c. 04/09/22

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news


Good Shepherd, Furnham Fr Julian will begin having informal oversight of this parish from Oct 1st, for an initial trial period of three months. Please pray for the two parishes and for Fr Julian.

Jumble Sale Due to all the hard work put in by the faithful few, £160+ was raised at the recent Jumble Sale. Many thanks, all who helped.

Outlook September's parish magazine is still available online, with a few hard copies available for those unable to access it electronically. Please note that the deadline for contributions for October's issue is very much earlier than usual (this Wednesday 7 September), so please let George have any contributions as soon as possible. Thank you.

Organ Now that work on the bells has been completed, all that remains is for the main organ to reinstated. Work will begin on this in 3 weeks’ time.

Leave Fr Julian will be on annual leave shortly. It has been very difficult to find cover for the services, due to shortage of clergy, illness and unavailability. As a result, between the 13 and 27 September, the ONLY services will be on Friday 16th September at 12.30pm and The Parish Mass on Sunday 18th and Sunday 25th.

Sharing Together September’s discussion group will be held a week later than usual on Thursday 29 September, 7.30pm at the Vicarage, when we shall be looking at angels and archangels. You don’t need to be one to attend!

Big Coffee Morning Macmillan Cancer Support. The coffee morning is to be held on 24th September, 10am to 12 noon, in the church hall. There will be cakes, savories, coffee and tea along with a raffle, and crafts and fancy goods for sale.

Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.