News - 28/08/22

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news


Church Bells Work has begun in installing the new frame, and the bells themselves will also be rehung shortly. Exciting!

Jumble Sale Our grateful thanks to Wendy B and all who helped before and at yesterday’s Jumble Sale. We had an impressive amount of goods; thank you for all of your donations. The total raised will be announced after the services.

Gardening Thank you all who turned up yesterday to help tidy the church grounds. All your efforts are very much appreciated and noticeable!

Good Shepherd, Furnham Fr Julian will begin having informal oversight of this parish from Oct 1st, for an initial trial period of three months. Please pray for the two parishes and for Fr Julian.

Eleanor Phillips, RIP For many years a faithful member of our 8am congregation, Eleanor sadly died on 12 August after a long illness. Her funeral will be at Holy Trinity on Friday 2 September at 2.00pm, with her body being received into church the night before. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

Readers Rota If you haven’t yet collected your new rota, they are available at the back of church.

Outlook September’s parish magazine is now available online with a few hard copies available for those unable to access it electronically. Many thanks to those who have kindly contributed copy. Please note the deadline for contributions for October’s issue is very much earlier than usual, so please let George have any contributions as soon as possible. Thank you

Guttering We are very grateful to John Godley for cleaning and fixing the guttering on the east side of the church hall, where it was proving a nuisance to our neighbour through overflowing.


Psalm: 119 (vv 81-96)

Hymns: 349, 459, 431

Readings: Isaiah 33. 13-22; John 3.22-36

Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.