News - w.c. 21/08/22

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news


Church Bells Work has begun in installing the new frame, and the bells themselves will also be rehung shortly. Exciting!

BBQ Grateful thanks from us all to all those who helped at the recent BBQ: Team John on the grills and Team Wendy in the kitchen as well as those who kindly donated puddings. A most enjoyable evening!

Jumble Sale is THIS Saturday (10-12). Please do what you can to help. Setting up will be on Friday evening from 6pm. Help is also needed at the sale itself, and items for sale (which may be left at the back of church. Please see Wendy if you can offer any help. Thank you.

Gardening Our monthly tidying of the church grounds is this Saturday between 2 and 4pm, if you can spare a bit of time (or at any other time, as well!).

Good Shepherd, Furnham Fr Julian will begin having informal oversight of this parish from Oct 1st, for an initial trial period of three months. Please pray for the two parishes and for Fr Julian.

Glastonbury Abbey Fr Julian will be saying mass at the Abbey this Tuesday at 10.30am, so there will be no mass here at Holy Trinity.

Sharing Together This month's discussion group will be held at the Vicarage this coming Thursday (25th) at 7.30pm. Please note there will not be a meeting in September.

Flowers This week flowers have been donated by Anne Kearle in memory of Val & Vera Sampson Anniversary.

Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.