News from Holy Trinity w.c. 10.07.21

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Outlook This month’s issue of ‘Outlook’ will be available online from Friday this week. A few hard copies will be available for those unable to access it electronically. The deadline for any contributions is Wednesday week (20th). Thank you those who have already submitted copy – keep it coming in!

Summer Fair Once more, thank you to all who supported it in any way. The total raised on the day was £1354, although further monies have also subsequently been received.

Fr Julian will be attending a funeral in N Herts on Tuesday, so will be unavailable, and there will be no mass at Holy Trinity that day.

Glastonbury Abbey Fr Julian will be celebrating mass at the Abbey on Tuesday 19 July at 10.30am, and has three spaces in his car if anyone would like to join him!

Leavers' Service Those leaving Holy Trinity School this year will having their leavers' service on Thursday 21 July at 2.00pm. This will be for children and staff only; other celebrations will take place in the school. As usual, we, the church will be presenting all 60 with a bible, paid for out of church funds.

Flowers this week have kindly been donated by Anne Kearle for Clifford and Elizabeth's anniversary.

Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.