News for w.c. 12.01.20

Church_news From_the_Vicar News_about_our_building Notices

Magazine Deadline George Coles would be pleased to receive any articles for the February Outlook by Wednesday week, 22nd. Please think about contributing an article – it’s always better to have local input!

PCC Meeting The first PCC of the New Year will be this coming Wednesday following Mass (in church) in the Vestry. Agendas have been circulated electronically; a couple of hard copies are available at the back of church for members.

Mass at Glastonbury Fr Julian will be celebrating mass at the St Patrick’s chapel in Glastonbury abbey in a couple of weeks’ time: Tuesday 28 January at 10.30am, and would be very glad were anyone able to join him. He’s got three places in the car! Afterwards, there’s usually coffee in the town hall...

Everyday Faith Three Archdeaconry Training days are being held in Jan/Feb. That for Taunton will be at St Mary’s, Bridgwater on 15 Feb from 9.30-12.30. Details are in ‘Outlook’; if you’d like to book a place, please let Trudi Watkins know. Thank you.

Manna Copies of Manna and Forward are available at the back of the church.

Readers’ Rota The new rota is now available. If you’d like to be included on future rotas, please see George Coles.