Pew Sheet & Notices w.c. 05.06.22

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news


Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Don’t forget the tea party this afternoon at 4.00pm in the hall. Do come along and help celebrate this wonderful occasion!

Your church needs you! Volunteers are required to serve on various PCC committees. This is a way that you can help Holy Trinity to work effectively. We have 4 main committees. Mission (Fr Julian), Finance (John Rudge), Building (John Godley) and Social – not catering! – Liz Hathway/Wendy Burge. If you’d like to think about joining any one of these, please see the named person. Thank you.

Kath Darch, RIP Kath’s funeral will be this Thursday at 12 noon here at Holy Trinity, followed by cremation at 1.30pm. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

New Prebendaries One of the three new prebendaries of Wells Cathedral recently appointed is Fr Robin Lodge, the Vicar of St Andrew’s here in Taunton, and a good friend to Holy Trinity. We congratulate him and hold him in prayers. He will be installed this Tuesday 7 June at 5.15pm during Cathedral evensong.

Outlook - Outlook April's copy of the Parish Magazine is now available online ( There are a few hard copies available for those who are unable to access it electronically.

Trinity Sunday Next Sunday is our 'Feast of Title', a special day for us. Please make every effort to come to the Parish Mass and celebrate our church's 'name day'. A new gold High Mass set of vestments (which are being blessed today) will be used for the first time. These have been bought in memory of Barbara Stratton from donations given in her memory and by her family.

Sunday Lunch Club Please let Wendy B or Liz H know today if you'd like to come to lunch at the Ring of Bells here in Taunton next Sunday. The full list of venues (2nd Sunday of the month) is in the parish magazine.

200 Club Next Sunday is also the day when the monthly 200 Club draw is made after the Parish Mass, for three (good!) cash prizes. If you'd like to join or know more, please see Richard Tomlinson.

Diamond Wedding Our congratulations to Fr Ken and Margaret Gibbons, who celebrated their Diamond Wedding anniversary last Thursday (2nd). Our love and prayers as well as congratulations to them both, as well as our best wishes for many more years of happiness.

Sunday Raffle Each Sunday a raffle is held at coffee following Mass. This is an extra fund raiser and a enjoyable part of the social gathering. If anyone could provide a prize please see Liz H or Wendy, we would be very grateful.

Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or