News from Holy Trinity w.c. 22/05/2022

Easter Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

Platinum Jubilee Afternoon tea will be available on Sunday 5 June at 4.00pm. Please sign the list if you’d like to come along. We hope this will be a bring and share, so if you indicate whether you can bring cake, scones, mini sandwiches or biscuits, that’d be helpful!

Your church needs you! Volunteers are required to serve on various PCC committees. This is a way that you can help Holy Trinity to work effectively. We have 4 main committees. Mission (Fr Julian), Finance (John Rudge), Building (John Godley) and Social – not catering! – Liz Hathway/Wendy Burge. If you’d like to think about joining any one of these, please see the named person. Thank you.

Kath Darch, RIP Kath’s funeral will be on Thursday 9 June at 12 noon here at Holy Trinity, followed by cremation at 1.30pm. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

Bells Thank you, Margaret Jordan and John Godley for the display of photos of the church bells. They have been taken to Loughborough, where the process of cleaning and repairing them has already started.

Fr Julian will be at a residential conference at the Royal Foundation of St Katherine in London next week (31 May – 1 June) and so will be unavailable.

Sharing Together This month's discussion group will meet this Wednesday (25th) in the Vestry at 7.30pm. We'll be re-visiting Walsingham!

Ascension Day As usual, we will be celebrating this important day with a Sung Mass at 7.30pm this Thursday (26 May).

We welcome John Eyles as our organist this morning and very grateful to him for standing in once again.

Church Grounds Our monthly tidy-up will be this Saturday (28) between 2 and 4. All welcome – refreshments available! Please bring your own tools, and if you could take any green waste home, that’d save room in the church’s green wheelie bin!

Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.