News from Holy Trinity w.c. 13/03/2022

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NOTICESUkraine From its charitable giving, Holy Trinity has sent £2,500 to the DEC to aid this in desperate need in the Ukraine. Aswell as the main charities, you may also give (if you wish to) through ‘Lend with Care’ ( or by making a donation in the collection jar at the back of church. Above all, please continue to pray for the Ukraine. The church continues to be open 10-11 each day for prayer.

Video Please click on the link if you’d like to see Holy Trinity as you may have never seen it before! Our grateful thanks to Paul Groves for his skill and ingenuity.

Lent Throughout Lent, from this week, there will be Compline in the Vestry at 8.00pm on Tuesdays and Stations of theCross at 6.00pm on Fridays. Both services last about 30 minutes. Lent savings boxes for the Additional Curates Society, supporting vocations and assisting parishes financially are available at the back of the church.

Lent Online You may not be able to take part physically in some of the Lent events, but some are available online through the church’s website: Just click on the ‘Lent’ button, and you can access the Lent Course and also be live-streamed through Facebook (@ Holy Trinity Taunton) or A Church Near You.

Lent Group meets every Thursday at 7.30pm in the Vestry. Copies of the course are available online; hard copiesfor those attending in person.

200 Club This month’s draw for three cash prizes will be made after the Parish Mass in the hall. If you’re not a member, please see Richard Tomlinson and he will be able to give you details and an application form.

Organist We welcome Simon Gaunt back to play again this Sunday morning whilst Stephen has a few Sundays’ well earnedbreak. We are most grateful to Simon for standing in.

Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.