News from Holy Trinity w.c. 21/02/22

Lent Notices Church_news News_about_our_building Community_news
NOTICESPancakes! Once again, we will be having a pancake supper party on Shrove Tuesday, 1 March. This will be in the Hall at 7.00pm, and will be a full cooked meal, drinks included – and pancakes! Tickets are available after services at only £5 after services. Don’t forget to buy yours now!

Please return your palm crosses to the back of church, so that they can be burnt to make the ash for Imposition on Ash Wednesday (March 2nd). There will be a Sung Mass that day at 7.30pm, which marks the beginning of the penitential season of Lent.

Outlook March's copy of the Parish Magazine is available online ( There are a few hard copies available for those who are unable to access it electron-ically. Enjoy!

Sunday Lunch Club Don't forget that on the 2nd Sunday of the month (usually!) there's an opportunity to hang up your apron and go out for Sunday lunch, usually in Taunton itself. If you'd like to know more, please see Wendy Burge in person or contact via the Parish Office.

Lent As Covid restrictions have been relaxed, this year we can observe Lent more formally in person. Throughout Lent, there will be Compline on Tuesdays at 8.00pm (8 March - 5 April), a Lent Group at 7.30pm (10 March - 7 April) and Stations of the Cross at 6.00pm on Fridays (4 March - 8 April). It is very important to make good use of all that Lent can offer as a means of preparing for Easter; traditionally it is a time of prayer, fasting and giving. Prayer can be at church and/or on one's own; fasting means cutting out or back, and giving means that we should be more generous this season in our charity.

Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) THURSDAY MORNING, please.