Pew Sheet & Notices w.c. 13/02/22

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building Notices
NOTICESPancakes! Once again, we will be havinga pancake supper party on ShroveTuesday, 1 March. This will be in the Hallat 7.00pm, and will be a full cooked meal,drinks included – and pancakes! Tickets are availableafter services at only £5 after services. Don’t forget tobuy yours now!

Tuesday Mass There will be no mass thisTuesday (15th) as Fr Julian has to be in Wells allday at meetings in Flourish House, the newdiocesan HQ.Sorry!

Covid Following C of E and Governmentadvice following the reversion of ‘PlanB’, face coverings will continue to beworn at services, and social distancing within thechurch observed. Holy Communion will be available inboth Kinds (but this is entirely optional). Socialdistancing outside worship is being relaxed.

Walsingham Pilgrimage This year’sparish pilgrimage will be June 20-24(Monday-Friday). If you’d like toreserve your place, please let JaneLaurence have your £10 initial deposit.If you haven’t been before – do try it!

Outlook The February issue is availableonline under the parish website and afew hard copies will be available at theback of church.

Both the CCTV and AV systems are to beupgraded in the coming weeks. This isonly possible due to the kindness of departed churchmembers who have left legacies. The ParochialChurch Council has a policy of putting all legacies intoreserves for capital projects. Please do remember theChurch in your will.

200 Club This month’s draw for three cashprizes will be made today in the hall aftermass. If you would like to become amember (£24pa) please see Richard Tomlinson. Allprofits go to church funds.

Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet to bereceived at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone)by THURSDAY MORNING, please.