News from Holy Trinity w.c. 30/01/22

Church_news News_about_our_building Notices

Walsingham Pilgrimage 

This year’s parish pilgrimage will be June 20-24 (Monday-Friday). If you’d like to reserve your place, please let Jane Laurence have your £10 initial deposit. If you haven’t been before – do try it! 

Winter Services Now that the new heater has been installed, services during the week will be held in the Vestry, which will be considerably warmer than the church! 

Flowers this week have very kindly been given in memory of Eveline Osborne, whose anniversary of death falls at this time. 

Candlemass As we are celebrating it today, there will be no Sung Mass on Wednesday, but the usual 10am. 

Outlook The February issue is now available later this. This is available online under the parish website and a few hard copies will be available at the back of church. 

Tuesday Mass There will be no mass on Tuesday again this week as Fr Julian has his hands full training curates! Wish them – or him – luck..! 

Covid Any changes resulting from the recent return to ‘Plan A’ will hopefully be put into effect from next Sunday, 6th, by when hopefully C of E guidance will be made available.