News from Holy Trinity w.c. 23.01.22

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building Notices


Burns Night Supper Thank you all those who helped in any way at last night’s Burns Night Supper – we did the bard proud!. 

Walsingham Pilgrimage This year’s parish pilgrimage will be June 20-24 (Monday-Friday). If you’d like to reserve your place, please let Jane Laurence have your £10 initial deposit. If you haven’t been before – do try it! 

Winter Services The new heater has been installed now in the Vestry, so it can be heated! All weekday services will be held in the Vestry, so we don’t freeze! 

 The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity formally ends this Tuesday, 25th . Sunday’s Evening Prayer will be for Christian Unity. 

Tuesday Mass There will be no mass on Tuesday this week as Fr Julian has to attend a meeting in Bristol. Apologies! 

Flowers this week have very kindly been given in memory of Neil and Jenny Trood, whose anniversaries of death fall at this time. 

Sharing Together This month’s discussion group will be held on Thursday week (27th) at 7.30pm in the church hall. This month’s topic is the Lord’s Prayer. 

Candlemass We shall be keeping this beautiful feast next Sunday (30th). Don’t forget because of that there will be no Sung Mass on 2 February.