News from the Church w.c. 16/01/22

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building Notices

NOTICES Burns Night Supper Don’t forget – there’ll be a Burns’ Night Supper on Saturday Jan 22nd at 7.00pm. Tickets are available at £7, although it will depend on the latest health advice at the time. 

Walsingham Pilgrimage This year’s parish pilgrimage will be June 20-24 (Monday?Friday). If you’d like to reserve your place, please let Jane Laurence have your £10 initial deposit. If you haven’t been before – do try it! 

Winter Services Hopefully, the new heater will be installed this week, which will enable the Vestry to be used. The poor choir are freezing at practice! Outlook The deadline for any material for the February issue is Wednesday week, 19 January (to George Coles, please) 

The Parochial Church Council meets this Wednesday in the church hall after Mass in the church at 7.00pm. Please note the change of time for Mass this week, and remember your council in your prayers. 

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins this week (18th). The Mass on Tuesday will be a votive for unity. 

 Any items for inclusion in next week’s notice sheet to be received at the parish office (on paper, by email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please