News from Holy Trinity w.c. 09/01/22

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building Notices

Mass at Glastonbury Abbey

Fr Julian will be going to celebrate at the Abbey, as he does a few times a year, this Tuesday. The service is at 10.30pm, and he has space for three in his car, if you’d like to come!

Burns Night Supper

Advance notice – there’ll be a Burns’ Night Supper on Saturday Jan 22nd at 7.00pm. Tickets are available at £7, although it will depend on the latest health advice at the time.

Winter Services

Sadly, the relatively new heater in the Vestry has been condemned and cannot be used, so the Vestry is now even colder than the church! We hope a new heater will be installed next week.


Don’t forget to read this month’s magazine available online (there are a few hard copies at the back of the church). The deadline for any material for the February issue is Wednesday week, 19 January (to George Coles, please) New Year Resolution?!

Morning Prayer

Join in Morning Prayer said Tues-Sat at 9am. All you have to do is click on the link, and all will be made clear! There’s no need for any service books, and the service itself lasts 20/25 minutes (although there’s often chat as well! The code’s more complicated than the process – either just click on it or cut and paste: REN1UDhNSHpodUtEdUwyRnlrQT09

Lend with Care

We have had another payment from Adnan, the shepherd from Bethlehem. Our share of the repayment is 57p. It is good to know that he is doing so well. Thank you for your continued support.

Finally, any items for inclusion in next week’s notice sheet to be received at the parish office (on paper, by email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.