News from the church 02/01/22

Church_news From_the_Vicar News_about_our_building Notices
<div>NOTICES </div><div>The Baptism of the Lord Next Sunday we </div><div>celebrate this important Feast. The season of </div><div>Epiphany is all about ‘revelation’ – to the </div><div>world in the visit Magi, and next Sunday, the </div><div>Lord’s baptism. We the hear of the calling of </div><div>the first disciples, and Jesus’ first miracle in the following </div><div>Sundays. </div><div>Burns Night Supper Advance notice – </div><div>there’ll be a Burns’ Night Supper on </div><div>Saturday Jan 22</div><div>nd</div><div> at 7.00pm. Tickets are </div><div>available at £7, although it will depend on the latest </div><div>health advice at the time. </div><div>Winter Services Sadly, the relatively </div><div>new heater in the Vestry has been </div><div>condemned and cannot be used, so the </div><div>Vestry is now even colder than the </div><div>church! Services will continue to be held </div><div>in the church, and heating supplied. </div><div>‘Together’, the free newspaper for </div><div>traditionalists, is available for collection </div><div>from the rack at the back of church. </div><div>Please take one. </div><div>Outlook The Christmas/January issue is </div><div>out now. This available online under the </div><div>parish website and a few hard copies will </div><div>be available at the back of church. </div><div>Mass at Glastonbury Abbey Fr Julian </div><div>will be going to celebrate at the Abbey, </div><div>as ge does a few times a year, next </div><div>Tuesday. The service is at 10.30pm, and </div><div>he has space for three in his car, if yiou’d like to come! </div><div>New Year Resolution?! Join in </div><div>Morning Prayer said Tues-Sat at 9am. </div><div>All you have to do is click on the link, </div><div>and all will be made clear! There’s no need for any </div><div>service books, and the service itself lasts 20/25 minutes </div><div>(although there’s often chat as well! The code’s more </div><div>complicated than the process – either just click on it or </div><div>cut and paste: </div><div></div><div>REN1UDhNSHpodUtEdUwyRnlrQT09 </div><div>Any items for inclusion in next week’s pew sheet to be </div><div>received at the parish office (on paper, by email or </div><div>phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.</div>