News for w.c.26.12.21

christmas Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building Notices
Thank you everyone, who worked so hard to make Christmas such a special occasion in a troubling time. A lot of people have spent a great deal of time and effort to ensure that our celebration of Christ’s birth was so special. And Fr Julian and Jane thank all of you who sent cards and other expressions of greetings – they are both most grateful. Winter Services Sadly, the relatively new heater in the Vestry has been condemned and cannot be used, so the Vestry is now even colder than the church! Services will continue to be held in the church, and heating supplied. ‘Together’, the free newspaper for traditionalists, is available for collection from the rack at the back of church. Please take one. Outlook The Christmas/January issue will be available later this week. This available online under the parish website and a few hard copies will be available at the back of church. Thank you Trudi W for the lovely display about Angels at the back of the church. It is both attractive and informative! Also for the display in the hall. Epiphany We shall be keeping Epiphany next Sunday, so don’t forget to feed the camels, find the star, and come along! Burns Night Supper Advance notice – there’ll be a Burns’ Night Supper on Saturday Jan 22nd at 7.00pm. Book the date now, although it will depend on the latest health advice at the time.