News from Holy Trinity w.c. 19/12/21

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Notices Christmas Preparations If you can help decorate the church, please see Sylvy P or to clean, please see Jenni Ll. Thank you! Carol Service Don’t forget! Tonight’s Carol by Candlelight wi<span style="font-size: 1rem;">Notices Christmas Preparations If you can help decorate the church, please see Sylvy P or to clean, please see Jenni Ll. Thank you! Carol Service Don’t forget! Tonight’s Carol by Candlelight will be at 6.30pm. because of Covid concerns, sadly we are unable to offer mince pies and mulled wine for everyone after the service – but it still will be a very enjoyable occasion! Thank you Trudi W for the lovely display about Angels at the back of the church. It is both attractive and informative! Sidespeople With Christmas Services coming, we will need additional support to welcome and seat people at (Christmas Eve, 4.00pm). If you can help, please let either John G, Jenni L or Jane L know, please. Thank you. Personal Christmas Cards Because of the pandemic, once again cards to friends within the congregation can only be given out personally, so the racks will not be put out. In some ways, this is a nicer way of doing things, but it is primarily because transmission of the virus can be through fingers! Outlook The Christmas/January issue will be available later this week. This available online under the parish website and a few hard copies will be available at the back of church. Compline As has been our custom in recent years, Compline will be said during Advent at 8.30pm on Tuesday evenings. Do come along and enjoy this lovely service. Winter Services Sadly, the relatively new heater in the Vestry has been condemned and cannot be used, so the Vestry is now even colder than the church! Services will continue to be held in the church, and heating supplied. ‘Together’, the free newspaper for traditionalists, is available for collection from the rack at the back of church. Please take one. Any items for inclusion in next week’s notice sheet to be received at the Parish office by Thursday morning please.</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">ll be at 6.30pm. because of Covid concerns, sadly we are unable to offer mince pies and mulled wine for everyone after the service – but it still will be a very enjoyable occasion! Thank you Trudi W for the lovely display about Angels at the back of the church. It is both attractive and informative! Sidespeople With Christmas Services coming, we will need additional support to welcome and seat people at (Christmas Eve, 4.00pm). If you can help, please let either John G, Jenni L or Jane L know, please. Thank you. Personal Christmas Cards Because of the pandemic, once again cards to friends within the congregation can only be given out personally, so the racks will not be put out. In some ways, this is a nicer way of doing things, but it is primarily because transmission of the virus can be through fingers! Outlook The Christmas/January issue will be available later this week. This available online under the parish website and a few hard copies will be available at the back of church. Compline As has been our custom in recent years, Compline will be said during Advent at 8.30pm on Tuesday evenings. Do come along and enjoy this lovely service. Winter Services Sadly, the relatively new heater in the Vestry has been condemned and cannot be used, so the Vestry is now even colder than the church! Services will continue to be held in the church, and heating supplied. ‘Together’, the free newspaper for traditionalists, is available for collection from the rack at the back of church. Please take one. Any items for inclusion in next week’s notice sheet to be received at the Parish office by Thursday morning please.</span>