News from the Church & Pew Sheet w.c. 05.12.21

christmas Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building Notices


Christmas Fair A huge ‘thank you’ to Wendy Burge for organising yesterday’s Christmas Fair, and also to all those who worked so hard to make it such a success. The total raised will be announced at 10.00am.

Outlook The Advent edition of the Parish magazine is now available online, although a few hard copies have been printed for those who do not have access to the internet. Please note the earlier deadline for copy for the Christmas/January issue!

Compline As has been our custom in recent years, Compline will be said during Advent at 8.30pm on Tuesday evenings. Do come along and enjoy this lovely service .

Carol Service Any singers would be welcome to join an augmented choir for the carol Service on Sunday 19th December. Rehearsals for this are on Fridays from this week at 6.30pm, for three weeks. Do please think about whether you can help in this way, or invite others to do so.

Lend With Care We have received an extra 57 p from Adnan, our shepherd from Bethlehem. A success story! Thank you for your support of all the Lend With Care Entrepreneurs. The collection jar for your £1 towards the annual Christmas Present total will be at the back of church during Advent.

'Together', the free newspaper for traditionalists, is available for collection from the rack at the back of church. Please take one.

Personal Christmas Cards Because of the pandemic, once again cards to friends within the congregation can only be given out personally, so the racks will not be put out. In some ways, this is a nicer way of doing things, but it is primarily because transmission of the virus can be through fingers!

Any items for inclusion in next week’s notice sheet to be received at the Parish Office by Thursday morning, please.