News from the Church w.c. 28/11/21

christmas Church_news News_about_our_building Notices


Christmas Fair – Dec 4th , 11am-1pm

Christmas Fair Help is needed to run stalls, please see Wendy if you can spare a couple of hours. Stall holders would be glad of support, as well as help needed to set out and clear away. Setting up will be from 10am.

Outlook The Advent edition of the Parish magazine is now available online, although a few hard copies have been printed for those who do not have access to the internet. Please note the earlier deadline for copy for the Christmas/January issue!

Compline As has been our custom in recent years, Compline will be said during Advent at 8.30pm on Tuesday evenings in the Vestry. Do come along and enjoy this lovely service.

Carol Service Any singers would be welcome to join an augmented choir for the carol Service on Sunday 19th December. Rehearsals for this are on Fridays from this week at 6.30pm, for three weeks. Do please think about whether you can help in this way or invite others to do so.

Winter Services - from Tuesday 30, weekday services will be held in the vestry which will be warmer!