News & Notices Sheet w.c. 31.10.21

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building Notices


All Souls’ Day is on November 2nd, and as usual, there will be a Sung Requiem Mass at 7.30pm. If you’d like loved ones to be remembered, please take a card for their names to be presented during the service, or return them next Sunday if you are really unable to attend.

Bonfire Supper Do come along to an indoor firework ‘do’ on Saturday 6 November in the church hall at 7.00pm! Cooked supper and soft drinks – and indoor sparklers. Bring your own booze…

Christmas Fair (1) Raffle Prizes Hampers – Please place hamper donations in the gold box at the back of Church by Sunday 21 November.

Christmas Fair (2) The raffle tickets (see above) are available for sale from today. Please do all you can to sell these tickets and don’t forget to buy some for yourself! It may seem very early, but the more we can sell…. Please see Liz Hathway who is co-ordinating the tickets’ sale and returns.

Christmas Fair (3) Help is needed to run stalls, please see Wendy if you can spare a couple of hours. Stall holders would be glad of support, as well as help needed to set out and clear away.

Please note changes in times of services. Evensong from now until Spring will be at 4.00pm and the Wednesday Mass will be at 10.00am.

Outlook November’s issue of the Parish Magazine is available online. If you cannot access it this way, a few hard copies are available.

Fairtrade Christmas Cards will be on sale every fortnight after the Parish Mass in the church hall until December. Please do support Fairtrade in this way, and use this opportunity to save time and effort in town!

Any items for inclusion in next week’s notice sheet to be received at the Parish Office by Thursday morning.