News from Holy Trinity wc 29.08.21

Church_news Community_news News_about_our_building Notices

Flowers this week have very kindly been given by Ann

and Peter Kearle. Please see Sylvie Paul if you like to

donate flowers.

Liz Hathway would like to thank all at Holy

Trinity, for their cards, messages, and

emotional support following Pete’s death

in July. The family took great comfort from

the service and thank the choir and serving

party for their part, and also all members of the church

family who attended. Our thanks as a family go without

saying to Father Julian whose support both spiritually

and emotionally will always be remembered.

Covid Restrictions are being relaxed, and

from next Sunday the Parish Mass will be

fully sung, with hymns, although masks

should still be worn, sanitisers used and

social distancing respected. Volunteers are needed for

the resumption of Sunday coffee from September 5th –

please sign against a date at the back of church.

Outlook This month’s parish magazine is

available online, and has been circulated to

those who are on our email database. Hard

copies are available if you are unable access it.

Readers’ Rota A new rota is now

available for you to collect. If you8 can’t

manage your turn, please do swap

amongst yourselves. George Coles would be delighted

to welcome new readers onto the rota – please see

him if you are interested. Thank you.

The (late) Summer Fair will be THIS

Saturday 4 September, 12-2pm in the

church grounds. Help is needed; please see

the list at the back of church or John Godley/Cheryl

Grindle. posters are available too!

Raffle Tickets Please take some raffle tickets

to sell before the Fair. Each ticket is £1 and are

available in books of 5. The main prizes are

£50, £30 and £20 One4all vouchers, which can be spent

in over 120 shops and restaurants! Please sell as many

as you can.

This week’s Zoom joining details

Sunday Coffee Chat today and all August, 11.30am


Morning Prayer (and for all August), 9.00am


Any items for inclusion in next week’s notice sheet to be