Bishop Peter On Monday last week, Bishop Peter told the diocese that he is being treated for acute myeloid leukaemia, and would shortly be going to hospital for chemotherapy lasting a month. Bishop Ruth will be assuming the day-to-day running of the diocese. we are deeply saddened to hear of + Peter's illness, and assure him of our love, prayers and good wishes for him, his wife Jane and their family, at this troubling time.
Face Masks It is now compulsory to wear face masks in church. They may be hot, uncomfortable and cause your glasses to steam up, but we have no choice! These need to be worn at all times, and only removed immediately before receiving Holy Communion. Please unhook (if you're elasticated!) one side by the strap, avoiding contact with the mask itself, and gel your hands after replacing as you return to your pew.
Email If you have received emails from Fr Julian, these may well have been sent through our data manager, David Watkins. If you wish to reply to Fr Julian, please be aware that if you use 'reply', then it'll go to David, not Fr Julian! His email address is [email protected]. Thank you.
Thank you We are very grateful to John Godley for upcycling a piece of domestic furniture to create a sanctum light stand which will stand before the icon of St Michael. Thank you, John!
Raise money, feel better There have been a number of growing waistlines as a result of lockdown. Would you like to join a corporate and totally anonymous sponsored slim? Monies raised will be shared between the Christian Aid Coronavirus Appeal and Holy Trinity. There will be a weigh in at a date to be announced, along with a completion date. No one except the person concerned will know either their weight or loss! Keep your eyes open for further details!
Outlook This month's parish magazine has been circulated; if you haven't received a copy, please let us know your email address, and one will be sent to you.
Reader’s Rota Thank you, those who have agreed to be included on the new rota, which has been circulated via email. If you haven't had a copy, please let George Coles know.
Sunday Coffee This week’s Zoom coffee chat will be at 11.30pm. Joining details have been sent.
If you wish to include any items for the notice sheet please email ([email protected]) or post to the Parish Office by Thursday morning, please.