News from Holy Trinity w.c. 07.06.20

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building Notices


Fr Adam It was announced last Sunday that Fr Adam has been appointed as Assistant Priest in the parishes of Hanslope and Castlethorpe in the diocese of Oxford. He will be leaving before the end of the month. Please remember him and the parishes which he will serve in your prayers.

Pastoral Care Please contact Fr Julian if you need a priest. House Communions are still not possible, but with lockdown restrictions being eased, it is possible for him to see you according to social distancing guidelines.

Off line Services There is a free national phone line for those who don’t have access to the internet. The line will be available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044.

On Line Services will continue to be streamed daily at 10am (except Monday) and also on Sundays at 6.30pm. Simon, our organist, is very kindly providing accompaniment to the hymn, as well as singing. Thank you, Simon! Please do join in.

Sunday Coffee As is now becoming usual, there will be a Zoom coffee chat on Sunday at 11.00am. Joining details will be sent by email. Once again, apologies to those who are not online.

Church Maintenance Now that lockdown restrictions are being eased, if anyone would like to spend a little time tidying the grounds, that’d be most helpful. Sadly, no access is permitted still to the church building. It’s important that the church looks ‘alive’ even if not open for public worship. Thank you.

Corpus Christi There will be a Sung Mass to give thanks for the Institution of the Holy Eucharist this Thursday at 7.00pm.

Armed Forces Day 27 June There is no national commemoration this year, but people are being asked to support from home:

Support Armed Forces Day from your home – Armed Forces Day