News - w.c. 25.04.20

Church_news From_the_Vicar News_about_our_building Notices

Pastoral Care The clergy are not allowed to make home visits, even with Holy Communion, but pleased be assured that you are all in their prayers. If there are any particular needs you wish prayed for, please let them know by email. Fr Adam is now fully recovered will be undertaking to contact you by phone.

Lend with Care Trudi Watkins has been asked to nominate an entrepreneur. Please see their website for details, and if you have any preferences please let Fr Julian know ( and he will pass on your suggestions.

Parish Magazine This month’s ‘Outlook’ is available, and will be sent online to those whose email addresses we have, and delivered to the remaining. Please enjoy it. We’re grateful for the contributions in May’s issue, and would welcome as many for June! Thank you.

If you wish to include any items for the notice sheet please contact Fr. Julian or email Rosie Clarke ([email protected])