Lent at Holy Trinity
Tuesdays – Compline at 8pm
Discussion Group – Every Thursday from 6th March, 7.30pm at the Vicarage, looking at the Creed.
Stations of the Cross – This half hour devotional service will begin this Friday at 6.00pm.
Pancake Party – A huge ‘thankyou’ to all who helped make Tuesday’s pancake party such a success. It was greatly enjoyed by all.
Servers Robes – between them, Fr James and Fr Julian have been able to procure some more albs, especially shorter ones for the younger servers, and also scapulae (tabards like the choir’s) in the liturgical colours. Those who have worshipped at HT for a long time will remember that before moving to cassock albs, the servers used to wear coloured apparel on the armices, worn around the neck under traditional albs, so it is a nod to that tradition! Although second-hand, they are in good condition and will enhance our worship.
Outlook - The Parish magazine for March is still online, with a few hard copies still available for those who are unable to access it electronically.
Midweek Services - With winter temperatures with us, all midweek services will be in the Vestry.
Food Bank – the list of things urgently required is in the red box. If you would like to give foodstuffs, then please ensure that these are in date and not opened. Thank you.
Lent at Holy Trinity
Discussion Group – Every Thursday from 6th March, 7.30pm at the Vicarage.
Stations of the Cross – This half hour devotional service will begin this Friday at 6.00pm.
Compline – Tuesdays from 11 March, 8pm Vestry.
Savings Boxes – at the back of Church.
Road Closure Trinity St will be closed from Church St, to just after the church from 4-7 March. Although this won’t affect Sunday services, it will affect those using the hall during those dates, including those of us coming to the Pancake Party. Access has been assured by the utilities’ company carrying out the work.
Walsingham Pilgrimage – This year’s annual pilgrimage to Walsingham will be from 16th to 20th June. If you would like to know more about it or to book please see Jane Laurence or email: [email protected] . To secure a place please let Jane have your £40 (non-refundable) deposit as soon as possible – a few places are still remaining.
Outlook - The Parish magazine for March is now online, with a few hard copies still available for those who are unable to access it electronically.
Midweek Services - With winter temperatures with us, all midweek services will be in the Vestry.
Food Bank – the list of things urgently required is in the red box. If you would like to give foodstuffs, then please ensure that these are in date and not opened. Thank you.
Palm Crosses – Can you please bring in your Palm Crosses for today. Very many thanks.
Ash Wednesday There will be a Sung Mass on Ash Wednesday, 5th March, at 7.30pm. This is an important day, marking the beginning of Lent. As usual, during the service there will the Imposition of Ashes.
Road Closure Trinity St will be closed from Church St, to just after the church from 4-7 March. Although this won’t affect Sunday services, it will affect those using the hall during those dates, including those of us coming to the Pancake Party. The council is being approached to ensure there will be access to the church.
Shrove Tuesday Tickets are available for the annual pancake party on Shrove Tuesday, 4 March for a fish'n'chip supper and, of course, pancakes. The price will be £10, including first drink.
Walsingham Pilgrimage – This year’s annual pilgrimage to Walsingham will be from 16th to 20th June. If you would like to know more about it or to book please see Jane Laurence or email: [email protected] . To secure a place please let Jane have your £40 (non-refundable) deposit before the end of February.
Outlook - The Parish magazine for February is now online, with few hard copies still available for those who are unable to access it electronically.
Midweek Services - With winter temperatures with us, all midweek services will be in the Vestry.
Food Bank – the list of things urgently required is in the red box. If you would like to give foodstuffs, then please ensure that these are in date and not opened. Thank you.
Palm Crosses – Can you please bring in your Palm Crosses for Sunday 23rd February. Very many thanks.
Ash Wednesday There will be a Sung Mass on Ash Wednesday, 5th March, at 7.30pm. This is an important day, marking the beginning of Lent. As usual, during the service there will the Imposition of Ashes.
Sharing Together This month's discuss-ion group meets this Thursday (27th) at 7.30pm at the Vicarage. All are welcome.