News - w.c. 22/09/2024

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Father Julian is on leave this week; please note the change in service times. Urgent Parish enquiries to John or Jenni (our Churchwardens) or Fr James Finnemore.

Lend With Care September is lend With Care month. Please see the article in Outlook and the display in the hall. The collecting jar will be available before and after services. Look out for the adverts on television too. Your gift of £1 can help change a person’s life. Thank you to all those who have contributed so far.

Harvest/Gift Day We shall be celebrating Harvest over the weekend 5/6th October at 7pm in the hall. Tickets for this 3-course meal are able today (last chance to buy next Sunday the 29th).

On Sunday 6th we will celebrate Harvest in our services and by supporting the MacMillan cake sale. This date is also our annual Gift Day. Donations towards the work and ministry of Holy Trinity may be made via BACS (ref Gift Day) or bank details through the office (or Pauline in person), or via the Gift Day envelopes. If you are a UK tax payer and have not completed a Gift Aid Form, please consider doing so – there is no cost to yourself, monies are reclaimable by the Church from the Revenue directly.

MacMillan Cancer Support for Harvest - October 6th, after the Sunday morning service there will be a cake sale and raffle for McMillan, in the hall.

Beauty & the Beast If you could like to see Beauty & the Beast at the Brewhouse on Thursday 16 January 2025, please add your name by 30th September, to the list at the back of Church.

Christmas Hamper lists for the Christmas Fair hamper donations are at the back of Church, please sign if you are able to donate an item. Alternatively, if you would prefer to make a cash donation, please see Wendy.

Outlook September’s copy is still available online, although there are a few hard copies for those unable to access it electronically.

Any items for inclusion in next weeks’ Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.