News - w.c. 25/08/2024

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news


Flowers this week are donated by Margaret Gibbons, Anne Kearle and Sylvie Paul.

Sharing Together This month’s discussion group will be on Thursday 29 August at 7.30pm as usual, in the Vicarage.

Food Bank the Food Bank have requested that we provide washing up liquid, hair products, toothpaste and other such items as they are permanently short of this item group. Please do not provide perishable food. As always your help is very much appreciated.

Church Gardening all assistance with tidying the grounds will be very much appreciated this Saturday 31st August.

Outlook The parish magazine for September will be available on line from Friday this week. Although it seems very early, please could Jane Laurence receive copy for the October issue as soon as possible, please? Thank you.

Advance Notice! Fr Julian will be on a residential conference from 3-5 September. There will be no Mass on Wednesday 4th or Thursday 5th. There will be one on Tuesday 3rd at 10am as usual.

Urgent Every parish is required to have a Parish Safeguarding Officer. Our present PSO, Jo Bailey, is having to step down after doing a superb job and ensuring all systems are in place and working. This is an essential and important role, and we do need someone to replace her. Please see Fr Julian or the wardens if you’d like to know more. Computer skills are essential.

Used Stamps - Please save your used stamps for the RNIB, and bring them to the church and place in the collection box at the back, remembering to leave a 1cm border. Thank you.

Any items for inclusion in next weeks’ Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.