News and notices for w.c. 29.03.20

Church_news From_the_Vicar Lent Notices

In light of recent requirements the church is now closed to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. Even the clergy are now not allowed to make private prayer, a decision which seems illogical and unduly draconian.

Services will now be streamed:

Tuesday-Friday at 10.00am

Sunday 10.0am and 6.00pm

You can access these through the church’s Facebook site or

For your information these services were viewed by

Sat 21/3 (Prayer) 88 people

Sunday 22/3 (Mass) 122; 88 (EP & B)

Monday 23/3 (Prayer) 80

Tuesday 24/3 (Mass) 84

Wednesday 25/3 (Mass) 89

Thursday 26?3 (Mass) 90

Please let us know of any requests for prayers or other assistance through any of these platforms:

Tel - 01823 354800

Email - [email protected]

Website -

Facebook - Holy Trinity Taunton

Fr Julian is only available for essential pastoral visits but will endeavour to keep in touch with you all.

All social events and the use of the hall have been suspended.

Please remember to fill your weekly collection envelopes so they are ready to be returned once the church is open again

Let us continue to pray, to love, to care for the vulnerable, and build our communities, even while separated

Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, by email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.