News - w.c. 29/06/2024

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Parish BBQ Our annual burger/sausage-fest will be held at the Church on Saturday 10 August; further details later and in July's 'Outlook'. This is a very appropriate date, as it is the feast day of St Laurence the Deacon, who was martyred by being griddled. Tradition has it that he called out to the executioners to turn him over, as that side was done...

Outlook – This month’s parish magazine is available online. There are a few printed copies at the back of church if you are unable to access it electronically. Any contributions to July’s issue to Jane Laurence as soon as possible please.

Used Stamps - Please save your used stamps for the RNIB, and bring them to the church and place in the collection box at the back, remembering to leave a 1cm border. Thank you.

Gift Aid – We are refreshing our records and very shortly you may receive a letter and Gift Aid form in the hope that you will be able to sign and return it at your earliest convenience. If you do not hear from us and think you are eligible for Gift Aid do please get in touch – reminders are always welcome. Alternatively, if you are no longer eligible for Gift Aid please let Pauline (our Treasurer), know. Very many thanks.

Glastonbury Pilgrimage The annual pilgrimage to Glastonbury will be on Saturday 13 July. This is always a joyous occasion, and all the more special as this year the Pilgrimage celebrates its centenary. Holy Trinity is always represented, but it would be good to see even more coming along. The main Mass is at 12 noon, with Benediction (preceded by a procession with all the parishes) at 3pm. Please see the poster in the porch for further details.

Any items for inclusion in next weeks’ Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.


Psalm: 53

Readings: Jeremiah 11 vv 1-14; Romans 13 vv 1-10

Hymns: 378, 415, 250