News - w.c. 16/06/2024

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

Welcome We welcome Fr Munna Mitra as our celebrant at the Parish Mass this morning, as Fr Julian is at Chard. We are most grateful to Fr Munna for coming to us this morning.

Summer Fair Thank you! Once again, thank you to all who helped make last Saturday week’s Fair, such a success. £1826 was raised on the day and there have been a few subsequent sales/donations.

Archdeacon’s Visitation – This will be held at St Michael’s, Galmington this Thursday (20th). At this service, the church wardens will be formally admitted to their office. Please remember the wardens and especially our own John and Jenni.

Outlook – This month’s parish magazine is available online. There are a few printed copies at the back of church if you are unable to access it electronically. Any contributions to July’s issue to Jane Laurence as soon as possible please.

Used Stamps - Please save your used stamps for the RNIB, and bring them to the church and place in the collection box at the back, remembering to leave a 1cm border. Thank you.

Any items for inclusion in next weeks’ Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.