News - w.c. 28/01/2024

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news


Bridget Berry Her funeral will be tomorrow (29 January) at 11.20am at the Crematorium. A requiem mass will be offered for her on Wednesday at 10.00am

This year's parish pilgrimage to Walsingham will be on 24th - 28th June. If you would like to go, please could you let Jane Laurence have your £30 (non refundable) deposit. If you have not been on the pilgrimage before and would like to know more about it, please see Jane or Fr Julian.

Weekday Services - Services are being held in the Vestry which is warmer. Services in the church for the three Sunday services. The evening service will be 4.00pm.

Candlemass We shall celebrate Candlemass with a Sung Mass on Friday 2nd at 6.30pm. Please come along.

February’s Outlook is available online for you. There are few hard copies available at the back of church for those who cannot access it.

Used Stamps - Please save your used stamps for the RNIB, and bring them to the church and place in the collection box at the back, remembering to leave a 1cm border. Thank you.

Taunton Foodbank – this week the food bank is really short of UHT milk, blue or green cartons please. All your contributions are gratefully received.

Please place redundant Palm Crosses in the basket at the back of the church ready for ash Wednesday by Sunday 11th.

Updating your data. I am in the process of updating the Contacts Database. If you have changed address, phone or email or if you are a new member of the congregation, you may not receive the Pew Sheet and Gospel Gossip by email. Would you please fill in a form at the back of Church and leave it in the box available. Thank You. David Watkins, Data Protection Manager.