News - w.c. 07/01/2024

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building Community_news christmas


Epiphany We shall be celebrating Epiphany next Sunday, 7th. We welcome the Ven Simon Hill, Archdeacon of Taunton as the celebrant and preacher at today’s Parish Mass.

Parish Treasurer After 35 years in the post, John Rudge stepped down as Treasurer last Sunday, and was presented with gifts from the parish in recognition of all his hard work keeping the accounts in such good order. Happy retirement (from this responsibility!), John! Pauline Holt is taking up the financial reins from now on.

Outlook The parish magazine for Christmas/January is available online if you haven’t already received it. There are a few hard copies at the back of church for those unable to read it that way.

The Bishop Oswestry will be visiting the parish NEXT SUNDAY, and will preside at the 10am Parish Mass. Please every effort to come and welcome him on his first visit to HT.

John Fisher, RIP John’s funeral will be at Taunton Crematorium on Monday 15 January at 2.00pm. We assure Rose, Nic and all the family of our prayers and condolences at this sad time for them.

Bridget Berry After years of ill-health, Bridget died peacefully at home on New Year’s day. Her funeral will be on Monday 29 January at 11.20am at the Crematorium.

Weekday Services - Services are being held in the Vestry which is warmer. Services in the church will be on Saturdays at 6pm and the three Sunday services. The evening service will be 4.00pm.

Pantomime HT’s annual visit to the Panto is this Wednesday (Oh, yes, it is!). Please collect your tickets from Wendy.

Used Stamps - Please save your used stamps for the RNIB, and bring them to the church and place in the collection box at the back, remembering to leave a 1cm border. Thank you.

Taunton Foodbank – deliveries are to recommence after the festive break. The foodbank is requesting donations of deodorant, bottles of squash & shampoo/conditioner.

Any items for inclusion in next weeks’ Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.