News - w.c. 12.11.23

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news


Weekday Services There will be no Morning Prayer or Mass Tues-Fri this week, as Fr Julian is on a retreat/conference with + Paul and Society clergy from the See of Oswestry at Walsingham. Please remember all those taking part in your prayers.

Weekday Services This week, Mass will only be celebrated on Friday and Saturday in the Vestry.

Sharing Together Our monthly discussion group will be one week later than usual: Thursday 30 November, 7.30pm in the Vicarage.

Christmas Raffle Tickets These are available to purchase or to sell. Please see Liz Hathway. With your help, this makes a tremendous difference to our Christmas Fair (2 Dec)!

Raffle (2) The Craft Group have made a fantastic knitted/crocheted blanket in blue and white panels, with 3D effects! This will be on display at the back of church during the Parish Mass today and the following Sundays. Tickets £1 each.

Christmas Fair Thank you for your generosity in raffle prizes. If you havent yet handed in your donation, please do so whenever you can. Plese leave them in the box on Sundays only. If youy would like to make a donation towards the meat hamper please see Wendy. Many thanks.

Outlook November’s magazine is available online. There a few printed copies available at the back of church, if you cannot access it electronically. Thank you, those who have contributed copy this month.

Help! After several years’ faithful service, Liz is giving up cleaning the hall. If you can help, hopefully by joining a rota, please see John or Jenni. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours a week.

Cardboard Tubes The Good Shepherd are staging an ‘Angel Day’ at the end of November for children. If you have any loo or kitchen roll tubes, please could you bring them to HT. They’ll be used in the mass production of angels!

Any items for inclusion in next weeks’ Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.