News from Holy Trinity w.c. 01.10.23

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building Community_news


The Harvest Supper – Our grateful thanks to all those who helped prepare and serve the delicious harvest supper last night and selling tickets beforehand. It was a very enjoyable occasion. Thank you.

Harvest and Gift Day – We shall be celebrating Harvest Thanksgiving this weekend, along with our annual Gift Day. Tinned or packeted produce may be left for the Open Door and Taunton Foodbank and there will be opportunities for giving financially for the work of Holy Trinity. Please be generous.

Traidcraft – cards/gifts will be on sale during coffee in the hall next Sunday, 8 October.

Christmas Fair Thank you - all items required for the hampers have now been promised. Please bring items to Church. If you would like to make a donation towards the meat hamper please see Wendy. Many thanks.

Outlook This month’s parish magazine is available online, along with a few hard copies for those unable to access it electronically. Thank you to all who contributed articles.

Card Machine We are now able to take card payments. If you wish to make a donation by card, you can use the QR code at the back of church, on the website.

Any items for inclusion in next weeks’ Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.