News from Holy Trinity w.c. 03/09/23

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news


Fr Julian is off duty until 20 September. Services at Holy Trinity will be reduced to the Friday 12.30pm and Sunday 10am. Any urgent enquiries may be directed to the church wardens until Fr Julian’s return.

Flowers this week are in memory of John Richard Dearson on the 10th anniversry of his death, and also in memory of Peter Kearle.

Card Machine We are now able to take payments through cards, having worked out the technology. No longer will people be able to say ‘I haven’t any money on me’! This can be used for payments; if you wish to make a donation by card, you can use the QR code at the back of church, on the website, or at the bottom of this sheet.

The Readers Rota for 16th October – 21st January is now available and at the back of Church.

The Harvest Supper will be on Saturday 30th September at 7pm in the hall. Tickets are £7 to include 3 courses. Tickets available from Liz Hathway.

Outlook September’s magazine is online, with a few hard copies still at the back of church. Copy for October’s magazine would be gratefully received; please send to the Parish Office. Thank you.

Stamps for RNIB: Please don’t forget to recycle the stamps from your post into the box at the back of the church. Thank you.

After the service, please come to the hall alongside the church for coffee and a chance to chat together (turn to the right as you leave by the main door). There's a raffle for a Sunday Treat!

Recital of music for recorder and voices from 15th to the 18th centuries at the Good Shepherd, Furnham on Sunday 24th September at 3pm. Tickets £10 to iclude refreshments. Available on the door.

Any items for inclusion in next weeks’ Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.

If you wish to donate, please scan the QR code. Thank you.