News from Holy Trinity w.c.27.08.23

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Collections Thank you all who have volunteered to count the collections. We are committed to following ‘best practice’ as advised by both the diocese and C of E directions, which clearly state that all monies must be counted on site with at least two people present. The system we are putting into place meets all the requirements.

Card Machine We are now able to take payments through cards, having worked out the technology. No longer will people be able to say ‘I haven’t any money on me’! This can be used for payments; if you wish to make a donation by card, you can use the QR code at the back of church, on the website, or at the bottom of this sheet.

Outlook September’s magazine is now online, with a few hard copies at the back of church. Our grateful thanks to George Coles, who after 50 years is stepping down from editing ‘Outlook’. Jane Laurence is trying to fill his shoes – a hard job! – but would be very grateful for any assistance or even another volunteer!

Stamps for RNIB: Please don’t forget to recycle the stamps from your post into the box at the back of the church. Thank you.

After the service, please come to the hall alongside the church for coffee and a chance to chat together (turn to the right as you leave by the main door). There's a raffle for a Sunday Treat!

Any items for inclusion in next weeks’ Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.