News from Holy Trinity w.c. 09/07/21

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news


Glastonbury Pilgrimage Congratulations to all who made it to the annual Pilgrimage yesterday. It was well worth the effort. Thank you, the servers who took part in the procession.

Parochial Church Council Meeting The first meeting of the newly-elected PCC will be on Wednesday week, 19 July, in the hall, following mass in the church at 7.

School Leavers’ Service Our annual service with the church school will be on Thursday week (20 July), with all 67 leavers being presented with a bible. We are most grateful for the donation of funds to cover this. Help would be appreciated to steward the service – 400 excited children and parents! Please let Fr Julian or the wardens know if you can help.

Outlook, Please let Jane Laurence have any copy for the July magazine by the 19 July, please, as George is unwell.

Stamps for RNIB: Please don’t forget to recycle the stamps from your post into the box at the back of the church. Thank you.

Concert at The Good Shepherd Come and hear shawms, crumhorns, rackets and gemshorns! 7.00pm, today, 8 July - cost £10 (to include interval refreshments) available on the door. proceeds to church funds. Enjoy! If you can’t make it, then the musicians, Sine Nomine, will be coming to Holy Trinity in the coming months.

Fr Julian is at the Good Shepherd this morning. We are most grateful to welcome + Michael once more as the celebrant today’s Parish Mass.

Flowers this week have been kindly given in memory of Elizabeth & Clifford Kearle – their wedding anniversary was July 14th