News for w.c. 15.03.20

Church_news From_the_Vicar Lent Community_news News_about_our_building Notices


Coronavirus Following instructions from the bishops, the subsequent arrangements will now apply: • Maintain strict hygiene through handwashing • The Holy Water Stoups are not to be used • The Peace will be exchanged verbally • Holly Communion will be in one Kind (the Host) Please also follow all national guidance and remember in your prayers all those affected in whatever way.

Lent Group Please don’t forget the Lent Group which meets in the Vestry on Thursdays at 7.30pm, looking at the Passion of Christ through the church’s services. This week is Holy Week.

Local Ministry Group From next week, LMG prayers will be on Wednesdays and at 8.30am. Everyone is still welcome – this week’s prayers are at Holy Trinity.

Easter Lilies Forms are available for Easter Lilies in memory of loved ones. Please complete and return to the Parish Office by 22 March, please. The cost is, still, £5. Thank


Easter Art Competition Artwork from local schools will be displayed in the church from Friday 3rd April. Please see the poster at the back of the church for more details.

Lend with Care We have received three further repayments on our loans including the first repayment from one of our solar entrepreneurs in which we invested at Christmas ! Our account stands at £53:28 which I intend to reinvest; unless you have an objection? There will be an article in Outlook next month; Editor and space permitting. Many thanks for your continuing care for others. Trudi.

Fr Julian will be celebrating mass at Glastonbury Abbey this Tuesday at 10.30am, and would be very happy to joined there. He can offer 3 places if anyone would like a lift.

PCC Meeting The PCC will meet on Wednesday in the Vestry following Mass in the church at 7.00pm.

Parish Magazine Copies of this month’s ‘Outlook’ are still available today if you haven’t had yours.

Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, by email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.